Symboler för Rural Pact - en röd, gul, grön och blå bönform.

Rural Pact Conference 2023

3-4 May 2023 in Uppsala, Sweden

Acting for Rural Areas - Sharing Rural Pact Experiences and Learning for the Future

The long-term vision for the EU's rural areas was launched in June 2021. Since then,
rural pact mobilisation has started in various parts of the Union, to make rural Europe
stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous by 2040. What are the experiences so far
and what can we learn from each other in order to take the next steps for a revitalised
rural Europe?

Some of the topics will be:

  • Best practices and examples on the implementation of the Rural Pact at national level.
  • Multi-level governance for holistic rural development.
  • Tools and methods for the Rural Pact.
  • Young people’s involvement and participation in the Rural Pact.

Meet up with colleagues from different member states, NGOs, politicians, researchers, and
representatives of the EU institutions. The event starts with study visits to rural businesses
in Uppsala county on May 3, and continues with an interactive conference on May 4.

The conference is arranged in close dialogue with the Government Offices of Sweden
and the European Commission.

Webcast on Thursday 4 May

Parts of the conference will be broadcast live on Youtube.
We will broadcast between 09:00 - 11:30 and 16:00 - 17:00. No registration is needed.

You find the livestream here Länk till annan webbplats.

You find information about the agenda here

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